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The racking process involves transferring wine from one container, such as a barrel, to another. Carefully done, the lees may be left behind in the first barrel, partially clarifying the wine.​
Red wines vary in color from dark pink to almost black. The color comes from a natural organic pigment called anthocyanin that is present in the skin of red grapes and not from the juice of the grapes (which is, in fact, clear).​
It is the amount of sugar left in the wine after alcoholic fermentation. Residual sugar may be the result of high must weight or the termination of fermentation before all the sugar has been converted into alcohol with the addition of sulfur or spirit. The vast majority of wines have less than 2 g/l. Sweet wines have more, some reaching amazing levels – up to 480 g/l has been recorded.
A pale pink wine ranging from dry to sweet. Traditionally made by removing the skins from red grapes early in fermentation, before they have the time to impart too much color. Less traditionally, rosés are made by the blending of red and white wines.